Blog Post

Why is it so important to check the special conditions when buying a property at auction?

Publish Date: 13 May 2024

By Jade Shrubsole


Why is it so important to check the special conditions when buying a property at auction?

Further reading

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Why is it so important to check the special conditions when buying a property at auction?

 Checking special conditions when buying a property at auction is crucial for several reasons:

Legal Obligations: Special conditions outline legal obligations and terms specific to the property being auctioned. Ignoring these could lead to unintended legal consequences or financial liabilities.

Property Details: Special conditions often contain crucial information about the property, such as any existing liens, encumbrances, or restrictions on its use. Understanding these details helps buyers make informed decisions about the property's suitability for their needs. 

Fees: Special conditions may include details about the payment terms, deposit requirements, and any additional fees or charges associated with the purchase. Failing to review these could result in unexpected financial burdens or difficulties in completing the transaction. 

Rights and Responsibilities: Special conditions outline the rights and responsibilities of both the buyer and the seller. It's essential to understand these terms to ensure a fair and smooth transaction process and to avoid potential disputes later on. 

Property Condition: Special conditions may include information about the property's condition, any known defects, or required repairs. This information helps buyers assess the property's value accurately and decide whether they're willing to take on any necessary renovations or maintenance.

Contingencies: Special conditions may include contingencies that must be met for the sale to proceed, such as obtaining financing or completing inspections. Understanding these contingencies helps buyers plan accordingly and reduces the risk of the sale falling through.

Example Special Conditions:

Checking Special Conditions before buying a property at auction is essential for minimising risks, ensuring transparency, and making informed decisions throughout the purchasing process.

Other matters to check: 

  • Title Plan
  • Lease Plan
  • Date Vendor Purchased, How Much For? 
  • Planning Status (TPO's. Greenbelt, Conservation Area)
  • Permitted Development Entitlement, How Much Left?
  • Rateable Value
  • Any Missing Documents?

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