Online Legal Documents

The system is used by over 120 auctioneers and for over 70% of all lots offered in the UK. Currently we have over 2,000,000 documents downloaded from our server every year which equates to a document being downloaded every 15 seconds (24/7).

  • Legal Documents are available 24-7, with client activity tracking
  • Clients can register to receive documents when they are available
  • Automatic notifications when a document changes
  • All contact details are downloadable
  • Documents can be uploaded directly by solicitors
  • Full reporting on all usage

Auctioneer Control Panel

Auctioneer control panel for reporting and statistics on all documents

Support and Marketing

  • Constant developments and upgrades, and excellent customer service
  • Send vendor reports of interested buyers and build client list of potential buyers
  • Access clients easily and have a profile of each client and what they have viewed
  • Monitor the type of clients looking at your lots
  • Shopping cart facility for chargeable legal documents
  • Link to legal documents from your own website

Custom Reports

The reporting functionality lets you produce detailed reports about client usage, auction usage and lot interest.

  • Client Usage Reports
  • Auction Usage Reports
  • Interest Reports