1982 Property Values
Access Capital Gains Valuations
Capital Gains Tax valuations are based on 1982 values. We have data on over 18,500 properties sold at auction between 1st January 1981 and 31st December 1983.
We deliberately give 3 years of auction data to increase the number of comparables that will be available to you.
In order to have access to this data you will need to subscribe. To do this please call us on 01737 226150
or email at sales@eigroup.co.uk
This is the only database available to the general public that has details on 1982 property prices. With over 17,000 sold prices from 1981-1983 covering the whole of the UK and all types of real estate, it is an invaluable source of data for accountants, surveyors and solicitors who need to know values for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes. Without access to the database they would be relying of snippets of information gleaned from a variety of often unreliable sources or one’s own records from the time.
Our clients are saving a huge amount of research time by having access to accurate, verifiable and evidentially strong comparables to support their tax claims. Do not be in the dark when looking for comparables, take a look inside our 1982 database.